Tag Archives: Snow

A Bean Boot couple of days

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I am back. Both to the blog and to civilization. This weekend I went to one of the more remote places left in the lower 48 states: Porcupine Mountains State Park on the shores of Lake Superior. This is one of two annual trips up there with my dad, sometimes my brother, and our friends. The winter trip is a guys only affair, but women and girls can come in the summer, though most of the candidates opt out. Both trips involve relaxation and good times off the grid. Neither are true backpacking adventures since we rent rustic cabins, but it’s about as much roughing it we get for the year.  We spend a few days with no electricity or running water, just hanging out and having a good time.  I was looking forward to seeing lots of snow and being able to use the snowshoes I got for Christmas, but even up there the snow was pathetic and I was faced with trekking it through the woods in my Bean Boots.  Leon Leonwood Bean was a genius for coming up with these boots.  They are American icons and are the favored footwear in my closet anytime it is damp in winter, spring, or fall.  I know some people even wear them with shorts in the summer, though I am not that adventurous.  I received numerous comments on how goofy they supposedly look this weekend, but I know my feet were dry and comfortable in any condition they faced.  Even with the lack of snow, it was as always, a great feeling unplugging from my phone, email, Facebook, and yes, this blog.  It would be downright impossible for many people,but I think that everyone should take a chance to escape from technology for at least one day a year.  It lets your mind slow down for a bit, because pretty much anything you want to get done has to wait until you get a connection back to the 21st century.

After my escape from modern conveniences, I came back to find that Alyssa was roughing it here as well.  With the cold weather last week, the water line in our basement froze sometime Friday between when I left and she got back.  Lucky for us, the pipe didn’t burst, but Alyssa was without water for a couple of days.  She managed to survive though by spending a lot of time at her parents.  Her dad got the water going right before I got home so I didn’t have to put my handyman skills to the test.  Needless to say, her and Ellie were excited for me to come home.  Alyssa will probably agree when I say I think Ellie was more excited to see me though.  She is still not used to being home with Alyssa when I am gone.

After all my complaining about a lack of snow, things sure did change today.  We got hit with quite a bit of snow this morning and Alyssa took the day off to keep from having to drive in the ice that came first.  My Bean Boots got a workout again today keeping me dry as I went to work and also shoveling the driveway tonight.  After finally getting snow, Alyssa, Spring Dog, and I got to use our snowshoes this evening.  Ellie loved the snow and wore herself right out.  She is curled on on the couch next to me sound asleep as I type this.

Check out this great article about Bean Boots and their growing status as a Made in America Icon.

Play Hard, Crash Harder

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It’s been a long time since I posted last and again I have no excuse for why.  After the last post I decided to wait until my DSLR is fixed to finish the house tour rather than post crappy pictures from my point and shoot.  Our Christmas and New Year were very busy this year.  Even though we had the same number of get togethers as the past few years, it seemed like we were pulled in a million different directions.  We survived the craziness and are looking forward to 2012.  Looking ahead to our first full year as a married couple and living in our house we are excited to share with you the projects, hobbies, and recipes that we come across.  We will try to post as much as possible and make our writing more interesting as the year progresses.

The first weekend of 2012 for us was a chance to breathe in a sense.  With the hustle and bustle of parties and shopping in our rear-view mirror we had a chance to unwind, undecorate, and spend time with the pooch.  One of the Christmas gifts we were most excited about was the snowshoes we got from my parents.  We were looking forward to taking Spring Dog out to Fumee Lake to run wild in the snow but mother nature hasn’t cooperated.  Instead of a typical UP winter with snow coming in 6, 8, or 12 inch dumpings we have gotten an inch or two at a time followed by warm weather.  This week was no exception and even though I wished it were snowing I decided to take Ellie out Friday afternoon to enjoy the sunshine.  I planned on a walk around town to wear her out so I could get some stuff done around the house.  My chores would have to wait after the walk because this is what she looked like when we got done.

I spent almost an hour wiping her off, covering furniture, and keeping her entertained until she dried off.  Magically, she came clean after drying all the way and she didn’t need a bath.

Saturday, Alyssa and I got sick of waiting for snow and decided to go to Fumee without snowshoes.  We took the pup for a long, long hike so she wouldn’t be too rambunctious when we put her in her crate while we went to dinner at my parents.  Here are a couple of pictures from the walk.

All this walking wasn’t enough to wear her out yet.  She wanted to play with her tennis ball even after an hour and a half in the snow. How can you resist when she looks at you like this?

FINALLY after lots of chasing the ball Spring Dog was finally ready to crash.

And by that time, I was ready to join her.

We interrupt this program for an important weather update

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As I look out the window at my office I see some big, fluffy snowflakes! I know it won’t last but you can’t blame a guy for hoping. Stop back later for Alyssa’s first blog post ever. Have a great day.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…

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pere vilanova:terra de llàgrimes i vent

Photo By visualpanic via Flickr, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

The first thing Alyssa said to me when she got home from work tonight was “are we really supposed to get 8 inches of snow tomorrow?”  I guess I can understand why she would wish for the snow to hold off as long as possible; seeing as how she is on call tonight and has to drive an hour to work each way.  For me though, I can’t wait for snow!  Living in Iowa for 3 “winters” made me really miss a U.P. winter.  Yes, Davenport gets snow, and last year there were many times we had more snow there than at home, but there are no ski hills, groomed cross-country trails, or places to snowshoe.  I am looking forward to being able to get outside and do the things that I love this winter.  So let me leave you with a few pictures to get you in the mood for snow like me!

Heading for the Ski Lift 02/1974

Image by US National Archives via Flickr

Ironwood ski slide (LOC)

Image by Library of Congress via Flickr

A Happy Place

Photo by Zach Dischner via Flickr, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en


Snowmass 2

Photo by Zach Dischner via Flickr, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en