Monthly Archives: November 2011

Thursday Night = TV night. Or holding on to long lost glory?

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Thursday nights have been the prime TV night for the majority of people I know for a long time.  With shows such as Big Bang Theory, The Office, Grey’s Anatomy, Bones, Parks and Recreation, and eventually 30 rock.  Thanks to DVR, Alyssa and I can keep up with 2 of the 3 shows we like on Thursday nights, Grey’s and the Office.  Arguably, both of these shows have fallen dramatically from their peaks when we were in college.  Without a doubt the best episodes of both shows happened between 2004 and 2007 and they have steadily gotten worse since then.  Don’t get me wrong, there are great parts of these shows that make them worthy of our time still, i.e. Dwight’s continued battles with Jim on the Office, but sometimes I think it’s more out of habit that we watch.  In my opinion, Monday nights on CBS alone may be better than all of Thursday with How I Met Your Mother, Two Broke Girls, and Two and a Half Men (which has sucked thus far without Charlie Sheen).  Still, we continue to watch on Thursday, therefore you get this rambling post rather than something interesting that has pictures.  Check back tomorrow, I’ll post a recipe from one of my favorite go-to dishes for fall/winter.

We interrupt this program for an important weather update

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As I look out the window at my office I see some big, fluffy snowflakes! I know it won’t last but you can’t blame a guy for hoping. Stop back later for Alyssa’s first blog post ever. Have a great day.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…

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pere vilanova:terra de llàgrimes i vent

Photo By visualpanic via Flickr,

The first thing Alyssa said to me when she got home from work tonight was “are we really supposed to get 8 inches of snow tomorrow?”  I guess I can understand why she would wish for the snow to hold off as long as possible; seeing as how she is on call tonight and has to drive an hour to work each way.  For me though, I can’t wait for snow!  Living in Iowa for 3 “winters” made me really miss a U.P. winter.  Yes, Davenport gets snow, and last year there were many times we had more snow there than at home, but there are no ski hills, groomed cross-country trails, or places to snowshoe.  I am looking forward to being able to get outside and do the things that I love this winter.  So let me leave you with a few pictures to get you in the mood for snow like me!

Heading for the Ski Lift 02/1974

Image by US National Archives via Flickr

Ironwood ski slide (LOC)

Image by Library of Congress via Flickr

A Happy Place

Photo by Zach Dischner via Flickr,


Snowmass 2

Photo by Zach Dischner via Flickr,


Fall is in the air…

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Fall is in the air…

This weekend was the first in a while that we really didn’t have any major plans since well before the wedding.  It was nice to have a somewhat lazy weekend free from big projects, travel, or thank you card writing.  Instead of finally getting power run to the upstairs of the house, driving to St. Louis or honeymooning in Traverse City, we were able to have our first quiet weekend as a married couple.  That’s not to say we had 2 full days of sweatpants, pizza, and beer, though all three of those came into the weekend at some point.  Saturday morning consisted of drinking some of my newest hobby, home roasted coffee, and making what is becoming a favorite breakfast for both of us, krapsua.  Both of these will make extended appearances in the coming months at Spring Dog This!.  Seeing as how the Spring Dog doesn’t exactly do lazy mornings we had to take her out to do her favorite pastime, chasing a tennis ball.  Luckily we have some big spaces nearby where we can let her free and she can chase a ball to her heart’s content, or my arm gets tired (usually the case).  Here are a few pictures of her in her element.




Saturday afternoon I brewed a batch of Front Porch Brewery beer with Travis.  I still haven’t come up with a name for this beer which is a clone of Furthermore Oscura, a California Common-type beer infused with whole-bean coffee.  Travis is looking to get into home-brewing and wanted a few pointers.  Having help during a brew day is always nice because it can be a long day by myself.  While I was brewing, Alyssa was doing her best Suzy Homemaker impression, cleaning and organizing in the house.  It’s a never-ending process that you take for granted growing up.  Saturday night we hit up the Hitch-N-Post for a party celebrating Alyssa’s sister, Erika’s, boyfriend returning from Afghanistan.  Mike’s family had a shin-dig there for him so we went with Alyssa’s parents to welcome him home.  Let me tell you how thankful I am that I am not a single guy trying to find a woman at bars like that, slim pickings is an understatement.  Alyssa had some more colorful words to describe the girls there.

Sunday consisted of church, organizing the pantry so my vertically challenged wife can reach the necessities, and priming the walls in our bedroom.  We are FINALLY getting close to painting it to suit our tastes.  We have had bedding for over 2 months now, but choosing colors for the walls has been a project in and of itself.  We’ll be sure to post pictures of the paint when it actually gets on the walls.  After priming it was time for pizza, football, and a nap.  To round out the weekend we went to Alyssa’s parents for a small birthday party for Erika where we watched Philip Rivers single-handedly lose against the Packers.  It was tough being the only non-Packer fan there.

Here are a few pictures from the brew-day on Saturday.


We’re Blogging…

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This whole blogging thing is a little daunting.  It’s more than a little narcissistic, which is funny for me to say because for a time I was as into myself as they come.  Alyssa and I have become blog reading addicts though and reading the early posts from some of our favorites, most bloggers feel the same way.  We both find it fascinating reading about the projects, recipes, and even the day-to-day happenings of people who are complete strangers, but welcome us and hundreds or thousands of others into their world as if we are almost family.  We thought that there might be a few interesting things in our life that others would like to share in, so Spring Dog This is was born.  Welcome and hopefully you stay along for the ride as we grow both our personal family and our blog family.